Earl Grey Tea

Organics for lily

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Earl Grey tea transcends mere refreshment; it is an enduring classic, renowned for its invigorating properties and un...

Earl Grey tea transcends mere refreshment; it is an enduring classic, renowned for its invigorating properties and unique citrusy bergamot essence.

 Citrus Perfection: Earl Grey’s unique and aromatic taste comes from the infusion of bergamot orange flavour. It’s the perfect marriage of tea leaves and citrus, creating a bright, bold, and refreshing experience with every sip.

 Morning Essential: Across the globe, Earl Grey tea is cherished as a morning pick-me-up. Its invigorating properties and delightful taste make it the perfect way to start your day with a smile.

 Health Benefits: Beyond its delightful taste, Earl Grey tea offers a range of potential health benefits. It’s been associated with reducing signs of aging, assisting in weight loss efforts, helping prevent diabetes, and lowering cholesterol levels. Bergamot, the star of this blend, is often hailed as “nature’s statin” for its heart-healthy properties.


Proudly Australian made and owned. All blends are hand-blended and packaged by the Organics for Lily team in Queensland, Australia. Made using the highest quality local and internationally sustainably-sourced certified organic ingredients

Embrace the timeless allure of Earl Grey tea and let its citrusy aroma uplift your spirits. Sip, savour, and experience the magic for yourself.

Directions: Infuse 1 teaspoon with boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes and enjoy!      Handmade in QLD, Australia

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Organics for lily Earl Grey Tea

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